Lavoro dall’Europa: Novembre


Select the sort of job you would like from the drop-down lists above, or enter a keyword to search on. Alternatively, you can use the quick links below.

Jobs by City

The Hague

Jobs by Country

Austria (6)
Belgium (70)
Denmark (0)
Germany (20)
Greece (3)
Italy (2)
Luxembourg (3)
Netherlands (6)
Spain (0)
Sweden (1)
Switzerland (3)
United Kingdom (18)

Jobs by Experience

Internship (40)
< 1 Years Experience (13)
1 – 3 Years Experience (47)
3 – 5 Years Experience (51)
5 Years+ Experience (50)

Jobs by Policy

Agriculture and Fisheries (4)
Competition and State Aid (3)
Customs and Tax (2)
Economic and Monetary Affairs (21)
Education and Culture (10)
External Relations and Development Aid (11)
External Trade (1)
Employment and Social Affairs (8)
Consumers, Public Health and Food Safety (14)
Human Rights and Democracy (20)
Justice, Freedom and Security (15)
Media and Information Society (5)
Regional and Structural Policy (9)
Research and Innovation (7)
Transport (3)

Jobs by Type

Academic and Think Tank (7)
Communication/Public Relations (16)
Consultancy (25)
EU Institution (26)
Economist (9)
Industry Association (28)
International Organisations (40)
Internship (40)
Law Firm (3)
NGO and Political (34)
Operations (Accounts,HR,IT) (8)
Secretarial and Assistant (5)